Zentralfriedhof statue
It almost beggars belief that this statuary is carved from stone. It’s a remarkable piece of work demonstrating the utter skill and perfection of the stonemason’s art to carve a figure with veil covered face. It was a traditional test of a sculptor’s skill and this, the Zentralfriedhof statue, must surely be of the best.
Let us also not forget also that the itinerant Masons and builders of the great Gothic Churches and Cathedrals of Europe preserved and maintained a great deal of Hermetic knowledge throughout the Dark Ages and through the period of Medieaval persecutions. Many of these great buildings contain within their design, structure and decoration many of the secrets of the ancient wisdom … for those who have eyes to see.
Leilah Wendell writes at some length about the Magick of ritual sculpting in ‘The Necromantic Ritual Book.’ Well worth a look for anyone of similar mind to myself who works with the death current and Azrael the Angel of Death.